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C5 - Determining the Population-based Prevalence...

Track 5
Friday, March 3, 2017
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Salon 2


C5 - Determining the Population-based Prevalence and Characteristics of the Full Continuum of FASD in the United States and a Presentation of the Child and Maternal Risk Findings from the CoFASP Initiative Philip A. May, Marcia S. Scott, Christina D. Chambers The theory and applied methods of active case ascertainment prevalence studies of FASD implemented in four general populations of the USA as part of the NIH-NIAAA Collaboration on FASD will be presented. Major findings will be presented with an emphasis on select demographic and maternal risk factors that are most significant in the 4 US study communities. Characteristics of children with and without FASD and risk factors for FASD will be summarized Learning Objectives: 1. Understand how to use basic active case ascertainment methods for determining the general population prevalence and characteristics of FASD in a community 2. Examine detailed case control data comparing diagnoses within the continuum of FASD which illustrate the major characteristics of children with and without FASD in these general populations of the USA 3. Provide specific examples of the proximal and distal (e.g. reported alcohol and other drug use) maternal risk factors (e.g. childbearing and prenatal care history, body mass index) for FASD that are characteristic in these large community populations
